What is Laniakea Books?
Laniakea Books is a public domain publishing house based out of London, England.
We support independent authors and free knowledge by publishing books in the public domain.
See our Philosophy and How it works pages to better understand what we do.

All our work is open source. One can find the source code of this website, along with the books we publish on our GitHub organisation.
Our website is designed to be blazing fast, simple, intuitive, and accessible. If one identifies a problem, please let us know by opening an issue on GitHub here or emailing us at team+support@laniakeabooks.org (whatever is easier).
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Our book assets (pdf, epub, print) are designed to be highly usable and of high aesthetics. If you identify any problematic parts, we’d love to know so that we can improve them.
Laniakea Books LTD is registered in England and Wales under company number 14908770.